The project



The Observatory on India aims to bridge the knowledge gap in Italy and continental Europe concerning a country of strategic relevance due to its dimensions and international standing.

It focuses on monitoring economic, political, and social events in India, providing analyses and insights into recent developments within their historical, geopolitical, and cultural contexts.

The primary objective of the Observatory is to share and disseminate comprehensive knowledge of India and its regional and international connections, while fostering connections between Italian and Indian institutions and scholars.

The Observatory's activities are designed to provide integrated qualitative and quantitative information, along with a set of tools useful for companies, policymakers, public and private operators, and scholars interested in understanding the country's evolution, international role, and the opportunities it presents.


Steering committee (in constitution):

Subhash Agrawal (Founder Director, India Focus)

Elisabetta Basile (Full Professor of Development Economics - retired - , Sapienza University of Rome)

Stefano Manservisi (Adjunct Professor, SciencesPo/Paris School of International Affairs, former Director General, EU Commission),

Paola Pampaloni, Director/Deputy Managing Director, Asia and Pacific Department, European External Action Service (EEAS)

Mario Pezzini (Honorary Distinguished Fellow Jindal University, Former Director OECD Development Centre, Unesco Special Advisor, Editor of the Development Cooperation Review),

Pasquale Scaramozzino (Full Professor of Political Economy, University of Tor Vergata and Professor Emeritus, SOAS University of London),

Partha Sen (Retired Professor of Economics, Delhi School of Economics),

Michelguglielmo Torri (Full Professor (f. r.) of Asian History and Institutions, University of Turin).



Tommaso Bobbio, Associate Professor (History of India and Heritage Studies), Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin

Filippo Boni, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, The Open University UK; Co-Editor of the journal Asia Maior.

Pilar Maria Guerrieri, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, The Open University UK and Co-Editor of the journal Asia Maior. (@FilippoBoni1).

Ashok Lavasa, Former Vice President of the Asian Development Bank.

Pratishtha Singh, Advisor to the Academic Council of the Guarini Institute of the John Cabot University in Rome, author and political commentator.

Elena Valdameri, Senior Researcher, Institute of History, ETH Zurich







Link Utili/ Useful Links

ADB in India

Ambasciata Indiana a Roma

Associazione Italia-India

Camera di Commercio Indiana per l'Italia

Centro Studi per i Popoli Extraeuropei dell’Università di Pavia

Kaushik Basu The best books on The Indian Economy


India oggi - 17 fotografi dall'indipendenza ai nostri giorni

Rivista Asia Maior

The Economist: What to Read as an Introduction to India

The OECD Southeast Asia Regional Programme





With the support of:



The Observatory produces researches and information. Below you can access to them.


Observatory on India Coordinator
Sergio Lugaresi
  Economist, former Executive Director for Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) from 2020 to 2023. Previously, among other roles, served as Head of the Rome Office of the World Bank from 2014 to 2017 and as Senior Vice President, Head of Regulatory Affairs at UniCredit Group from 2007 to 2013. He has also held positions as Chief Economist at Banca di Roma and Gruppo Capitalia from 1997 to 2007.


+39 066990630
Piazza Venezia, 11 - 00187, Roma
