


Daniele Frigeri

Daniele Frigeri

Scientific Director
Marco Zupi

Vincenzo Mattina

Board of Directors

Daniele Frigeri
Antonio Armellini
Dario Arrigotti
Antonello Cabras
Dario Conato
Silvia Conti
Raffaella Coletti
Donato Di Santo
Valeria Giannotta
Giorgio Gomel
Linda Lanzillotta
Guido Lenzi
Petra Mezzetti
Gennaro Migliore
Laura Mirachian
Ignazio Moncada
Claudia Mularoni
Michele Nicoletti
Alberto Pagani
Francesco Petrelli
Ugo Poli
Andrea Stocchiero
Marco Zupi











Scientific Committee

Alessandro Albano
Ivana Borsotto
Claudio Cappon
Maurizio Caprara
Mario Cimoli
Luigi Dante
Filippo Di Robilant
Carmine Donzelli
Elvira Gaeta
Alfonso Iozzo
Luca Jahier
Stefano Lucchini
Roberto Luongo
Letizia Magaldi
Stefano Manservisi
Carlo Marsili
Marco Marsilli
Luigi Mattiolo
Stefano Micossi
Francesco Olivieri
Mons. Vincenzo Paglia
Mauro Palma
Nicola Pellicani
Riccardo Perissich
Nicolò Russo Perez
Irene Tinagli
Michele Valensise
Arturo Varvelli
Vladimiro Zagrebelsky


Board of Auditors

Massimiliano Massimiliani (President)
Linda Lopis
Pier Luigi Passoni
Tommaso Celletti (Deputy Auditor)
Fabrizio Dattola (Deputy Auditor)

Organizational structure

Organization and administration

Marta Biancalana
Barbara De Benedictis
Lorenza Dellabianca
Emanuela Di Belardino
Valentina Neri




Research Associates

  • Director

    Since 2014 Director of CeSPI and of the National Observatory on the Financial Inclusion of Migrants, member of the Italian Working Group on Remittances (at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation - MAECI). BA (Honours) of Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences (Catholic University of Milan).

  • Scientific Director

    Full Professor of International Political Economy and Development Studies (Bac Ha, Hanoi). BA & MA (Honours) in Economics and Political Science (Sapienza, Rome), graduate diploma and master degrees in Applied Econometrics (University of Essex), MPhil courses in International Economics (Tor Vergata, Rome), a PhD in Development Economics (University of Roskilde).

  • Researcher in environment, social inclusion, and migrations for projects in Latin-America and Italy. BA in Sociology and master degree in Cooperation and Development planning (Sapienza, University of Rome). He collaborates with various third sector entities.

  • Irene Carbone

    Collaborates with CeSPI in research activities on migration issues, particularly on reception, protection and inclusion of unaccompanied foreign minors. Degree in Oriental Languages and Civilizations, Arabic/Persian curriculum (Sapienza, Rome), Master in Oriental Languages and Cultures (IULM, Rome).

  • Sebastiano Ceschi

    Senior Researcher in the field of international migrations. For CeSPI, he deals with transnationalism, co-development, migrants integration and reception. He has a doctorate in cultural anthropology (L'Orientale, University of Naples).

  • Mario Cimoli

    Professorial Fellow, Institute of Economics, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa. Between 2017-2022 was Deputy Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). He has also served at ECLAC as Director of the Division of Production, Productivity and Management, Officer in Charge of the Division of International Trade and Integration, Economic Chief of Unit of innovation and ICT and Economic Affairs Officer from 1999. He is D.Phil (University of Sussex).

  • Doctor's degree of Economic Geography, temporary research associate for Sapienza, University of Rome. She collaborates with CeSPI on decentralised and territorial cooperation, with particular focus on the Mediterranean Region.

  • Dario Conato

    Area Coordinator

    Area Coordinator, he deals with local development, cooperation, migrations, training and evaluation. BA (Honours) of Economy and Statistics (Sapienza, University of Rome). He has coordinated international projects in Latin-America and Middle East.

  • Lorenzo Coslovi

    Since 2003, researcher at CeSPI on irregular migrations, asylum, policies for diaspora. BA (Honours) of Modern Languages (University of Bologna), master degree of inter-Mediterranean mediation (Ca' Foscari, University of Venice). He speaks English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

  • Marco de Bernardo

    Researcher in environmental sustainability, postcolonial ecocriticism in Africa and Caribbean. BA in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature (Sapienza, University of Rome) and doctorate in English language and Literature (Sapienza, Rome and L'Orientale, Naples).

  • Sabina de Silva

    Reseracher on the topic of Western Balkans, EU enrlargement process and Cultural Diplomacy. PhD Candidate in Institutions&Policies at Università Cattolica (Milano). She has a Master's Degree in International cooperation (Cattolica, Milan) and a Master in Cultural Diplomacy (Cattolica, Rome)

  • Senior researcher at CeSPI since 2006 on financial inclusion, remittances, migrations and development, migrants associations, capacity building, Western Africa, evaluation of migrants' projects, returns. European PhD (Bicocca, University of Milan).

  • Giorgio Gomel

    Mediterranean and Middle East Observatory Coordinator

    Economist, former Head of Research and International relations at the Bank of Italy, was educated in Political Science at the University of Torino and in Economics at Columbia university, New York. He has been a member of international committees in the economic and financial arena within the G7, G20, EU and IMF.

  • Turkey Observatory Scientific director

    She obtained her Ph.D. at Catholic University in Milano. Since 2009 she has been active in Turkey where she has served as academic in Istanbul, Gaziantep and Ankara.  As expert of Turkey she contributes to media and think tanks and she engages in high-level strategic meetings.

  • Since 2007, he collaborates with CeSPI, expert on migrants' financial behaviours and on the interaction among migratory project, integration in the destination country and evolution of financial needs. Doctorate of Development Economics (Sapienza, University of Rome).

  • He collaborates with CeSPI in the editing, content preparation and promotion of the Mondòpoli portal. In 2019 he graduated in Languages Cultures and Societies of Asia and Mediterranean Africa (Ca' Foscari-Venice) and in 2021 he obtained a master's degree in Oriental Languages and Cultures (IULM).

  • Aurora Ianni

    Researcher at CeSPI focusing on the Women Peace and Security agenda, domestic and regional politics in the MENA; Türkiye-Eastern Mediterranean and relations with the EU; migration and asylum in Italy. She holds a Master’s degree in Oriental Languages and Cultures (Arabic); Master’s diploma in International Protection of Human Rights (La Sapienza); MiLCO (IULM university).

  • Ph.D. in Political Studies, with a dissertation on development cooperation in Africa, and Graduated in Law at La Sapienza University, she collaborates with CeSPI on human rights and regional and national protection systems for migrant minors. She supports CeSPI's planning activities in Latin America.

  • Area Coordinator

    Area Coordinator, focal point for the network Wise Cities. Doctorate of Urban European Studies, master degree of Development Economy (IUSS, University of Pavia), B.A. degree with honours (University of Bologna).

  • Alberto Mazzali

    Since 1998, he collaborates with CeSPI on analysis of cooperation policies and on evaluation methodologies. BA (Honours) of Political Science, with a specialisation in Political Economics, and of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature.

  • Silvia Napolitano

    She deals with human development, social protection and international migrations. She takes part in international cooperation projects, mainly in Western Africa. Doctorate of Economy, Environment and Development (Roma Tre University).

  • Federico Nastasi

    An independent researcher and journalist, he has been working on politics and social transformations in Latin America. He has been a consultant to the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and a AID WORKER for the European Union in Central America. Doctorate in economics (Sapienza, University of Rome).

  • Michele Nicoletti

    Coordinator of the Human Rights Observatory

    Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Trento and Visiting fellow at several foreign universities. His research interests focus on the interweaving of ethics, anthropology and political theory. Director of the scientific journal Politica e Religione [Politics and Religion] and Annuario di Teologia politica [Yearbook of Political Theology]. From January to June 2018 he was President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

  • Mauro Pace

    He has been collaborating with CeSPI since 2018 on issues related to migration, poverty and development. Extensive UN experience in the field of food security and humanitarian interventions. Training in statistics and management of non-profit organizations.

  • Veronica Padoan

    Researcher on labor market and migration flows. She collaborates with CeSPI since 2016. She holds a degree in Political Science (Sapienza, Rome) and a master's degree on Immigrants and Refugees (Sapienza, Rome). She collaborates with several research institutes and organizations.

  • Samuele Pelloni

    Collaborates with CeSPI in the field of Data Analysis. Degree in Physics (Alma Mater, Bologna), Master's Degree in Physics (University of Trento), Master's Degree "School of International Policy, Cooperation and Development" (SPICeS - Focsiv and Lateran University, Rome).

  • Rocco Pezzillo

    He collaborates with CeSPI in the field of remittances and financial inclusion, coordinating the data collectors, dealing with the terms and conditions of sending remittances and collecting field data. BA (Honours) of Development Cooperation (Sapienza, University of Rome).

  • Gianpietro Sette

    He collaborates with CeSPI, particularly on Turkish domestic politics and, more generally, Middle Eastern affairs. He holds degrees in History, Historical Sciences (University of Padua), and Mediterranean World Studies (Istanbul Universitesi); a Master's degree in Oriental Languages and Cultures (IULM, Rome); and is currently a PhD candidate in Global History (University of Turin).

  • Andrea Stocchiero

    Coordinatore di area

    Research Coordinator on Italian end European policies and on migrations, social cohesion and territorial cooperation at the borders between Europe, Mediterranean and the western Balkans. Master Degree's Professor.

  • Nadia Versari

    Researcher on Economic Development. First Class Honours of Economics and Trade (LUISS, University of Rome), First Class B.A. Honours (Sapienza, University of Rome), Master degree in International Trade for Sustainable Development (IFOA, Reggio Emilia).