transparent remittances - Mandasoldiacasa

Daniele Firgeri
Promoted by the Italian Cooperation with the Bank of Italy's support and World Bank's accreditation (first website at international level to receive the accreditation)

CeSPI manages the website, a tool for transparency, information and monitoring the cost of sending remittances; established in compliance with one of the points of the G8 Agenda: its purpose is to facilitate and improve the transfer of remittances to the countries of origin, a fundamental factor for development and poverty reduction, and meet the remittances' fundamental principle of transparency.

For this purpose the Global Remittance Working Group was founded, led by the World Bank as appointed by the G8, and CeSPI is one of the members (the only non-governmental organisation) of the Italian delegation.

The site monitors the monthly cost of sending remittances from Italy to 14 corridors allowing CeSPI to be leader in the field of remittances, through a network of direct contacts with operators, a database of data collected over 6 years and participation to the Italian Working Group of Remittances as a permanent member since its creation in 2009.